1、在十字路口往右拐,你就会看到博物馆的入口._________________________,and you'll see the entrance ___________.2、在街道的拐角处有一个宾馆.There is a ______________the street.3、要到达动物园你必须横穿马路.___________the zoo,you must ________the road.4、Can you see the shop on the other_____of the street.


_________________________,and you'll see the entrance ___________.
There is a ______________the street.
___________the zoo,you must ________the road.
4、Can you see the shop on the other_____of the street.

1 in the crossing, you'll see the museum's entrance.
2 in the corner of the street is a hotel.
3 to arrive at the zoo you must cross the road.
4.Can you see the shop on the other side of the street.

1. Turn right at the crossing, of the museum
2. hotel at the crossing of
3. To get to , cross
4. side

第一题:(第一空)Trun right at the crossrods;(第二空)in museum.
第二题:hotel at the crossing of.
第三题:(第一空)Want to reach;(第二空)cross.

1.turn right at the crossroads ,and you'll see the entrance to the museum .
2.there is a hotel in the street.
3.to arrive zoo ,you must cross the road .
4.Can you see the shop on the other side of the street.