帮我写一封英语感谢信!今天我们有4个人。因为英语作业需要我们去找个外国人咨询并合影。然后有一个黑人帅哥比较热情并给我们留了Email 希望我们回复,所以我们就像写封感谢信,请大家帮我翻译下!我英语实在不行!内容:非常感谢您对于我们的帮助,先生,如果可以,我想我们可以成为朋友,我将为此感到荣幸!我们的合影我已经附件了,遗憾的是照片上的我居然是闭着眼睛的,这让我非常羞愧。格式也请帮我添加下,也请帮我修饰下!最好添加几句必要的问候~


今天我们有4个人。因为英语作业需要我们去找个外国人咨询并合影。然后有一个黑人帅哥比较热情并给我们留了Email 希望我们回复,所以我们就像写封感谢信,请大家帮我翻译下!我英语实在不行!内容:非常感谢您对于我们的帮助,先生,如果可以,我想我们可以成为朋友,我将为此感到荣幸!我们的合影我已经附件了,遗憾的是照片上的我居然是闭着眼睛的,这让我非常羞愧。格式也请帮我添加下,也请帮我修饰下!最好添加几句必要的问候~

Dear friend:
Thanks for your help!Sir!If possible,I will be very honored to be your friend!
The photo has been attached below,but it's a shame that my eyes in the photo were clesed.^_^ What a pity.
Wish you every happiness!
Sincerely yours:

Hi sir,
Thanks again for your help today!
Attached is our photo . You look great! Too bad that my eyes were closed >-I sincerely hope that we could be friends. I'd love to show you around the city someday!
Have a good day!

Dear sirWelcom to China.We really appreciate your help.We will be happy if we can make friends with you.The attachment is the picture we took together today.To my surprise,my eyes are closed.but it's ...
