有谁可以帮忙翻译一下,万分感谢~(中译英)我记得在我研究次贷危机的时候,她和她的团队做了一个令人难忘的演讲,分析了美国次贷市场并提出了一些有效控制金融市场风险的方法.I remembered most was that during my research of the subprime crisis, she and her group did a remarkable presentation, analyzing the U. S. mortgage market and giving some effective measures to control the risks in financial markets. 我翻译的,总感觉后半句不对,谁可以帮帮我,急~谢谢了~


I remembered most was that during my research of the subprime crisis, she and her group did a remarkable presentation, analyzing the U. S. mortgage market and giving some effective measures to control the risks in financial markets.

What I remember most is that during my research of the subprime crisis, she and her group gave an impressive speech, analyzing the U. S. mortgage market and proposing effective measures to control the risks in financial markets.