高一英语完成句子,当地的农民可以通过种植庄稼谋生.local farmers can grow crops to 杰克失业有半年多了.jack has been for half a year 他好像没有意识到这个问题.he doesn't seem to this problem 在这次会议上我支持他的观点.i was his opinion at the meeting 当地*呼吁村民要节约用水.the local government is the villagers to save water 这篇文章的题目将会被详细讨论.the topic of the passage will be discussed 当朋友有困难时,汤姆总是拒绝他们.tom always his friends when they are in trouble 一问号一词


当地的农民可以通过种植庄稼谋生.local farmers can grow crops to
杰克失业有半年多了.jack has been for half a year
他好像没有意识到这个问题.he doesn't seem to this problem
在这次会议上我支持他的观点.i was his opinion at the meeting
当地*呼吁村民要节约用水.the local government is the villagers to save water
这篇文章的题目将会被详细讨论.the topic of the passage will be discussed
当朋友有困难时,汤姆总是拒绝他们.tom always his friends when they are in trouble

1.make a living.
2.out of work
3.be aware of
4.in support of
5.calling on/appealing for
6.in detail/at length
7.turns his back on

make a living
out of work
be aware of
in favor of
calling on
in detail

make a living
out of work
make sense of
in favor of
calling on
in details
take no notice of
