英语把句子改为被动语态1.we can learn a lot from each other 2.we have to concentrate more on our study 3.you should study english by watching english videos 4.you must spend lot time on your studying 5.my mum will clean the windows tomorrow 6.in some parts of the world,people serve tea with milk and sugar 7.we told children to keep away from the medicine for their safety 8.he asked me to go to li's birthday party


1.we can learn a lot from each other
2.we have to concentrate more on our study
3.you should study english by watching english videos
4.you must spend lot time on your studying
5.my mum will clean the windows tomorrow
6.in some parts of the world,people serve tea with milk and sugar
7.we told children to keep away from the medicine for their safety
8.he asked me to go to li's birthday party

1.A lot can be learnt from each other (by us).
2.Our study has to be more concentrated on (by us).
3.English should be studied by watching English videos (by you).
4.A lot time must be spent on your studying (by you).
5.The windows will be cleaned (by my mum) tomorrow.
6.Tea with milk and sugar is served (by people) in some parts of the world.
7.Children were told to keep away from the medcine for their safty (by us).
8.I was asked to go to Lil's birthday party (by him).

1.A lot can be learnt from each other by us.2.Our study needs to be more concentrated on (by us).3.English should be studied by watching English videos (by us).4.The study needs to be spent more time ...