八年级上英语介词填空 翻Tony read a book ___ tigers this morning___my opinion,we can go hiking next SundayThat sounds___a good idea.Just the two of us!Were you ___your family at this time yesterday?I saw many sharks____the sea


八年级上英语介词填空 翻
Tony read a book ___ tigers this morning
___my opinion,we can go hiking next Sunday
That sounds___a good idea.Just the two of us!
Were you ___your family at this time yesterday?
I saw many sharks____the sea

Tony read a book ___ tigers this morning (about)
___my opinion,we can go hiking next Sunday (In)
That sounds___a good idea.Just the two of us! (like)
Were you ___your family at this time yesterday? (with)
I saw many sharks____the sea (in)

on 或 about 关于
In in my opinion “以我的观点来看”
like sound like “听起来像"
with 和家人在一起
in 海里有很多鲨鱼

about 关于