have you ever seen the fascinating film,1.-Have you ever seen the fascinating film,the avatar?-No,__seen one before A i have never B i never have C never have i D never i have2.Lang Lang palyed the piano well when he was young.Seldom ___a child like him with so much talent.A have we seen B did we see 选A选B有什么区别


have you ever seen the fascinating film,
1.-Have you ever seen the fascinating film,the avatar?
-No,__seen one before
A i have never B i never have C never have i D never i have
2.Lang Lang palyed the piano well when he was young.Seldom ___a child like him with so much talent.
A have we seen B did we see 选A选B有什么区别



这两题都是考倒装句第一次选C (倒装把主语谓语倒过来就行)第二选B 选A和B区别在于:时态不同.A是现在完成时,B是过去时.而现在完成时强调完成的动作.过去时没有强调,只是说事情发生了.你想想done(作了)have done...
