像R=ARE的英文单词缩写像r=are,u=you,或者是美式的相对简便的写法如:going to=gonna want to=wanna这些,还有没有更多更齐全的单词缩写?


像r=are,u=you,或者是美式的相对简便的写法如:going to=gonna want to=wanna这些,还有没有更多更齐全的单词缩写?

btw: by the way
g'nite: good night
dunno: don't know
lol: laugh out loud
ur: your
u r:you are
tlc:tender loving care
i o u:I own you
asap:as soon as possible
ttyl:talk to you later

^_^ 随便键入一个关键词搜索都有很多的----ASAP As soon as possible 尽快 BF Boyfriend 男朋友 BTW By the way 随便说一下 BBL Be back later 稍后回来 BRB Be right back 很快回来 CU See you 再见 CUL See you l...