英语初一试卷题用正确的运动介词填空1l want to take the plane to fly __the ocean and he wants to take a ship to go __the ocean.2We must get __the forest before sunest.3The couple walked __the path and enjoyed the sights.4 His son fell__the bike in the end.5,Look They are sitting ___the fire.


1l want to take the plane to fly __the ocean and he wants to take a ship to go __the ocean.2We must get __the forest before sunest.3The couple walked __the path and enjoyed the sights.4 His son fell__the bike in the end.5,Look They are sitting ___the fire.

1.above 在...正上方,along 沿着.
2.out of get out of从...出来
3.through 从...中穿过
4.off 从...跌落下来
5.around 围着