1011204:while our culture heralds the internet as a technological wonder,there are suggestions that internet use has a n


1011204:while our culture heralds the internet as a technological wonder,there are suggestions that internet use has a negative influence on individuals and their social skills.
1—heralds the internet as a technological wonder:怎么翻译?
2—suggestions that:怎么翻译?
1_while our culture heralds the internet as a technological wonder,there are suggestions that internet use has a negative influence on individuals and their social skills:
1.while our culture heralds the internet as a technological wonder:
while:1.在…期间,当…的时候; 与…同时2.虽然,尽管3.而,然而
herald:vi 预示 vt 宣布 n 1.使者,预报者2.预兆 3.传令官
herald A as B:宣布A 是 B 或 宣布A 作为 B
heralds the internet as a technological wonder:宣布网络作为一种科技奇迹
wonder:n 1.惊奇,惊叹,惊异,2.奇人,奇才3.奇观,奇景,奇迹,奇事4.疑惑,迷惑不解
technological wonder:科技奇迹
2.there are suggestions that internet use has a negative influence on individuals and their social skills:

herald是宣称 宣传啊什么的
尽管我们所处的文化将因特网宣称是一个科技奇迹,但是也有很多迹象/意见/说法之类的词 表明因特网对于个体和他们的社交技能有着消极的影响
其实翻译就是那么个意思啦 不必要一个一个的抠那些词了~楼楼~