A:()calculator is it?B:It's hers.Let's go to ask().A:When is Children's Day?B:It's on the first of ().A:What do children usually()?B:They ()and().A:Did you ()a party last Children's Day?B:Yes,we did


A:()calculator is it?B:It's hers.Let's go to ask().
A:When is Children's Day?B:It's on the first of ().A:What do children usually()?B:They ()and().A:Did you ()a party last Children's Day?B:Yes,we did


  1. A:(  Whose )calculator is it?

       B:It's hers. Let's go to ask(   her ).


2.    A:When is Children's Day?

       B:It's on the first of (  June  ) .


3.   A:What do children usually (  do )?

      B:They (  sing )and( dance ).


4.   A:Did you (  hold  )a party last Children's Day?

      B:Yes, we did.


第四个还可用have, enjoy



A:When is Children's Day?
B:It's on the first of (June).
A:What do children usually(do)?
B:They (play outside)and(play computer games).
A:Did you (have)a party last Children's Day?
B:Yes, we did.

A:When is Children's Day? B:It's on the first of (June). A:What do children usually(do)? B:They (sing)and(dance). A:Did you (hold)a party last Children's Day? B:Yes, we did

they (动词原形) and (动词原形),如THEY SWIM AND PLAY.
Did you (动词原形) a party....

A:(Whose)calculator is it? B:It's hers. Let's go to ask(her).
A:When is Children's Day? B:It's on the first of (June).
A:What do children usually(do)? B:They (sing)and(dance).
A:Did you (hold)a party last Children's Day? B:Yes, we did

A:(Whose )calculator is it? B:It's hers. Let's go to ask(her ).
A:When is Children's Day? B:It's on the first of (June ). A:What do children usually( do )? B:They (sing )and(dance ). A:Did you (have )a party last Children's Day? B:Yes, we did

答案分别是 June, do, sing, dance, have.