where( )(be)they last sunday?they ( )(be)at home.( )(be)Peter at the cinema yesterday afternoon?she wants( )(be) a scientist in the future.piease( )(stay)at home this evening.以上是英语题:用所给单词的适当形式填空.


where( )(be)they last sunday?
they ( )(be)at home.
( )(be)Peter at the cinema yesterday afternoon?
she wants( )(be) a scientist in the future.
piease( )(stay)at home this evening.

1 are
2 Was
3 to be
4 stay(piease还是please?)

they ( are )(be)at home.(无特殊语境表示就用一般现在是)
( Was )(be)Peter at the cinema yesterday afternoon?(一般过去式的第三人称单数)
she wants( to be )(be) a scientist in the future.(want to do sth固定搭配)
piease( stay )(stay)at home this evening.(该句是祈使句,因此用动词原形就行)

1. were
2. 如果和1是一问一答的话 填 were 如果不是填are也行
3. Was
4. to be
5. stay

to be

where were they last sunday
they are at home
was peter at the cinema yesterday afternoon
she wants to be a scientist in the future
please stay at home this evening

where( were) they last sunday
they( are) at home
(was) peter at the cinema yesterday afternoon
she wants (to be) a scientist in the future
please (stay )at home this evening