关于人称代词的问题 例句:1.I must go now Do you really have to go now 1.jim must meet her请问应该写成Do he really has to meet her还是写成Do Jim really has to meet her?人称代词究竟要不要改,


关于人称代词的问题 例句:1.I must go now Do you really have to go now 1.jim must meet her
请问应该写成Do he really has to meet her还是写成Do Jim really has to meet her?人称代词究竟要不要改,

如果是上下文的话应该是Does he really have to meet her?
没有没有上下文只是一个句子的话就是Does Jim really have to meet her?
一定注意第三人称用does .