7A英语Unit6同义句改写1.Can you show us your new trainers?2.The white skirt goes well with her blouse.(同义句)3.He spends 30 yuan on this suit(用pay和cost改两个同义句)


7A英语Unit6同义句改写1.Can you show us your new trainers?
2.The white skirt goes well with her blouse.(同义句)
3.He spends 30 yuan on this suit(用pay和cost改两个同义句)

1,Can you show your new trains to us?
2,The white skirt matches her blouse well.
3,This suit costs him 30 yuan.
He paid 30 yuanon this suit.
采纳呀! 呵呵

the white shirt suit her biouse well
this suit cost him 30yuan.(it cost him 30 yuan to buy this suit.)
he pays 30 yuan for this suit.

would you please introduce your new trainers to us?

Can you show your new trainers to us?