He is now in the pen.He regretted having done that.只翻译in the pen


He is now in the pen.He regretted having done that.
只翻译in the pen

1、What's white when it's dirty? 黑板(blackboard)
2、In which month do people speak least? 二月(February)
3、Take one from nine and leave ten! What is it? 九边形(nonagon)(取走一个留下十个)
4、It has four legs in the morning,and two legs at noon and three legs in the evening.What is it? 人(human being)
5、What shows different persons though it is the same thing? 镜子(mirror)
6、There is a note on the door of a manager,on it is:IM2BZ2CU.What does it mean? 我太忙了,没时间见你(I am too busy to see you).
1、He is a yes-man.I don't like him. 他是个随声附和的人,我不喜欢他。
2、He is now in the pen. He regretted having done that. 现在他被关进了*,他为他的所作所为后悔不已。
3、He is not at home today.Things are at sixs and sevens.
4、He in a later worker. 这句话有问题。应该是late才对。
5、Mrs Smith has no money,no job,no home and no friends.She is down and out.

2、He is now in the pen. He regretted having done that. 现在他被关进了*,他为他的所作所为后悔不已。

就是in *,坐牢的意思.