


The larger star symbolizes the leadership of the * Party of China and the four smaller stars that surround the big star symbolize the four classes of Chinese that were considered unitable by Mao at that historical time (from one of Mao's work: On The People's Democratic *); these are the Workers, Peasants, Petty Bourgeoisie (i.e. Small Business Class), and National Bourgeoisie (i.e. Chinese non-governmental businessmen). It should be noted that the view of the bourgeoisie classes was changed in the political movements afterwards. Readers should be aware that there are alternative interpretations, such as five stars representing the five biggest ethnic groups or the four stars representing the classes not exactly like the four mentioned above. Unfortunately, these interpretations have no historical basis. The most popular interpretation is the four stars represent the four occupations central to the state, which are Farmers, Workers, Soldiers, and Teachers. The one important point to note here is that the bigger star represents the Chinese * Party which is claimed as the leader of all.

The larger star symbolizes the leadership of the * Party of China and the four smaller stars that surround the big star symbolize the four classes of Chinese; these are the Workers,Peasants,Pe...