找人帮忙人工翻译成英文 一定要标准的!麻烦专业人士帮忙!一定要人工翻译 高分!家居净水小卫士材料:此项小发明采用糖果罐、塑料箱、纱布、纱网、竹炭及各种常见的小物品制作而成.说明:此项小发明放置于厨房洗手盆下面.平时洗菜、洗水果等都要用大量的水,因此小发明就可以发挥作用了.水从洗手盆的流水出接一条管,将水引到箱内的较小糖果罐内.较小的糖果罐扎一些小孔以便流水,水从小孔流出,流到较大的糖果罐中从较大的糖果罐的一端流出.谁从过滤网进入过滤层,首先流到木炭中进行杀菌消毒,然后流到过滤棉中进行再一次过滤,最后水从箱子下面排入水箱,就可以回收利用了.作用:因为竹炭具有杀菌、过滤等作用所以将回收的水于擦家具、煮菜、煮成温水来喝等.


找人帮忙人工翻译成英文 一定要标准的!麻烦专业人士帮忙!一定要人工翻译 高分!

Little Guard of Home Water Purification
Materials: The invention implement was made by using a small candy jar, plastic container, gauze, gauze, bamboo and a variety of common small things .
Description: This implement should be placed below the kitchen sink. Because a lot of water should be used in the usually time when wash vegetables and fruits and so on,the implement can makes the Effect. Water should be guided to the small candy jar whthin the tank by a tube connected from the flowing hole.The water flow from the hole pricked on the small candy jar into the large candy jar,and flow out of the bigger candy jar through its other end. The water flow to the charcoal layer to be sterilized from the filter layer, then re-flow to a cotton layer to be filtered.Finally,the water was discharged into the water tank for recycling.
Function: As bamboo charcoal has the effect of sterilization, filtration and so on, the water should be recycled to wipe furniture, cook, boil water and so on.