英语阅读理解填空题It was freezing outside my car . When we passed by a small shop selling odds and ends ,I ____a tiny figure ,covered with some bits of cloth.It was an old man of 75,seated in the corner of this store ,____ for anyone who would think of lending him a single coin or a cup of _____ tea .I was about to open my biscuit packet when my ____ went out to this old person. I asked my husband to ___ and hand it to this old man.He looked into my h


It was freezing outside my car . When we passed by a small shop selling odds and ends ,I ____a tiny figure ,covered with some bits of cloth.It was an old man of 75,seated in the corner of this store ,____ for anyone who would think of lending him a single coin or a cup of _____ tea .I was about to open my biscuit packet when my ____ went out to this old person.
I asked my husband to ___ and hand it to this old man.He looked into my husband's face ,smiled and said,"Thank you ." I felt so ____ and prayed for the old man to live through the cold night .
I was ___ to visit again and find out how he was the next day , ____I have to pass this way everyday . I ____, the next evening ,and he remembered the ___ and came up to my window and ____ at me.My heart went out ____ and this time I offered him a bag of food ,which I carried with the hope of finding him in the same spot .He ___ out for the bag ,held it and said in Tamil,"May God bless you ."Looking at the old man,I told my husband,"Doesn't he ____ you of my Daddy .My gosh ,_____that cap on his head and the smile in his eyes ,I ____tell you that I miss my father."
At a(n) ___ look ,I saw my Daddy in this old man ,waiting for anyone to show him some _____ or love . I do hope all of you who read this will remember that maybe one day it could ____ to one of us,so please do not pass by a ____ person without offerings at least a word of love or an act of kindness of any kind.

对照原文吧It was freezing outside my car.I did not want to get out of it when we passed by a small grocery shop.Suddenly I noticed a tiny figure,bent and covered with some bits of cloth,trembling with...