急求英语作文!(有关圣诞节的)圣诞节即将到来,假设你们学校将在会议厅举行英语晚会.(写通知)1.时间:晚上7:00开始,10:00结束2.每个小组须准备2个或3个以上节目3.节目内容和形式不限(可为节目举列说明)前面已给出:Christmas day is coming.We will hold.(要在今天6:30之前,晚上要交的)


前面已给出:Christmas day is coming.We will hold.

Maggie's gift which was written by American writer Jack London is a nice one. very touching. the story happened just before the Chrismas. Maggies and his husband wanted to buy each other a nice Chrismas gift, but they were too poor to afford that. Maggie has a beautiful hair, her husband had an elegant watch. finally they all bought a gift for each other. maggie bought a watch chain for matching her husband's watch. while Maggie's husband bought a barrette for Maggie's blonde hair,actually Maggie had her bonde hair cut and sold out her beautiful hair in order to pay for the watch chain for her husband; while, her husband sold out his golden watch in order to pay for the hair barrette for Maggie's hair. what a pity. this story is one of the most famous stories of Jack London's. if you know Jack London, you have to know this Maggie's Gift