he had a way of dangling before us part of a story until we were curious 我找到原来的句子了。He had a way of dangling before us part of a story,a literary character or idea,until we were curious and eager for more;then he would cut himself short and say,"But I suppose you have read so-and-so.在我们面前,他会用截取一个故事片断、文学的品格或想法的方式来制造悬念,直到我们都很好奇并且想知道得更多,然后他会突然打住并且说,“但是我想,你们也已经读过(其中)的这些,还有那些(内容)了”


he had a way of dangling before us part of a story until we were curious
我找到原来的句子了。He had a way of dangling before us part of a story,a literary character or idea,until we were curious and eager for more;then he would cut himself short and say,"But I suppose you have read so-and-so.在我们面前,他会用截取一个故事片断、文学的品格或想法的方式来制造悬念,直到我们都很好奇并且想知道得更多,然后他会突然打住并且说,“但是我想,你们也已经读过(其中)的这些,还有那些(内容)了”
