英语的几道选择题,我要解释的!__________,i must do another experiment.A.Be it ever so late B.It is ever so lateC It be ever so late D.So late it be ever_______is the volume of chemical goods.A.Constantly growing too B Too constantly growingC Growing constant to D Too growing constantI won't pay 20 for the coat,it's not worth_______A all that much B that much allC that all much D much all thatHot air accompanied by high relative humidity feels warmer than__


__________,i must do another experiment.
A.Be it ever so late B.It is ever so late
C It be ever so late D.So late it be ever
_______is the volume of chemical goods.
A.Constantly growing too B Too constantly growing
C Growing constant to D Too growing constant
I won't pay 20 for the coat,it's not worth_______
A all that much B that much all
C that all much D much all that
Hot air accompanied by high relative humidity feels warmer than______
A is it actually B it actually is C actually it is D actually is it
_____________,more that 200 houses and buildings are heated by solar energy,not to mention the big cities in the region.
A Alone in the small town B In the small alone towm
C In the small town alone D In the alone small towm

A。 Be it。。。这类的结构往往引导让步状语,代表“虽然。。。。但是。。。”的意思。
B。 这句话意思说不太清楚,但根据这四个选项结构,只有B里面的growing才能当动名词做主语。
A。 that修饰much,all又修饰that。
B。 比较级的句型中,than后面可以省略
C。 单单在这个小城里。如果选A,意思变了,变成一个人在小城里。

D.因为so 位于句首要用倒装.
D.因为constant是名词"常数,衡量",growing 是形容词作它的定语,too是副词修饰growing作状语.这句的意思是:逐渐增长的常数是化学物质的体积.其它三个都是因为修饰不当出了语法错误.
B.that 这里是副词相当于so.
B 热空气伴着高湿度比他实际的温度觉得热。actually 是副词应放在be 之前.
C 单单在这个小城就有200多户用太阳能,就别提那些大城市了.alone[用在名词或代词之后]只有, 唯有, 仅仅,相当于only,所以这句前一句意思是:only in the small town

A Be it so + adj, 固定形式,如此的
C growing constant 生长因数
A 那么多
B 热空气伴着高湿度比他实际的温度觉得热。
C 单单在这个小城


这题考的主要是constant的用法.constant作名词时,表示常数;作形容词时,表示持续不断的.如果要与其他动词连用,就需用副词形式,constantly.这道题句意不是特别清楚,但可以用排除法选择.grow是个动词,所以与constant连用时,应该用growing constantly,故排除D.C选项中,如果constant是作为名词使用,后面就不应该加to,故也排除C.too是个副词,应该跟在动词之后,所以排除B,最后选A.
这题考的是不值那么多.that much是一个固定词组,可表达“那么多”之意.关键在于all的位置.all可以作形容词,也可作副词.当与that连用时,表示“达到所期望程度地” .譬如说,I know it won an Oscar,but the film is not all that exciting.我知道那是一部奥斯卡获奖影片,但它并不是那么地激动人心.所以,最后综合这三个词的用法,应该是all that much,表达并非那么多的意思.
这是一个比较从句,表达“比实际.”的意思.than后面应该接一个正常语序的句子,一定是it在前,指代hot air.actually是个副词,在这里修饰be动词,应该置于is前.(而不是我们在某些句子中看到的,修饰形容词或副词,在那种情况下,actually是应该放在be动词后.)所以,综合得来,答案为B.
做这道题前,先要弄明白not to mention的含义,它指的是“更不用说.”.所以整个句子的意思是:单单这个小镇里面,就有200多间房子和建筑物靠太阳能供热,更不用说这个地区的大城市了.所以,应该选C.