英语翻译请翻译为中文,不要机器,要准确!1、It is my distinct honour and privilege to join you today at this Conference.May I,first,join other speakers in offering our thanks to our most generous hosts,for their warm hospitality and strong support of this Conference.2、Allow me also to take this opportunity to express my deepest appreciation to your organization,and in particular to Mme.Zhang and her wonderful team for invitation and dedicated work in organizing this Confer


1、It is my distinct honour and privilege to join you today at this Conference.May I,first,join other speakers in offering our thanks to our most generous hosts,for their warm hospitality and strong support of this Conference.
2、Allow me also to take this opportunity to express my deepest appreciation to your organization,and in particular to Mme.Zhang and her wonderful team for invitation and dedicated work in organizing this Conference.



今天有幸能参加本会议是我个人极大的荣耀.首先,请允许我跟其他发言者一起表达对主办方最真诚的感谢,感谢他们热情的接待和对此次会议的大力支持. 同时,也请允许我借此机会表达对会议高超的组织能力最深切的钦佩,尤...