英语翻译要翻译得准确简洁最好昨天看希望英语 大概是这样翻译的the deeper water?running sleep?我记不住了~你们谁知道~


昨天看希望英语 大概是这样翻译的the deeper water?running sleep?我记不住了~你们谁知道~

The deeper the river streams,the calmer it is.

The deeper the river is,the more quietly it flows.

The deeper the rivers are, the quietly they flows

The deeper the rivers flow, the quietly they flow

Still waters run deep.
懂得潜水的人或许都有过这样的经验,就是愈平静的水面,海底反而更是波涛汹涌.英谚语有句叫Still waters run deep.(静水流深),喻意凡事不可只看表面,也有‘大智若愚 / 智者慎言’的意思.或者可用There's more than meets the eye.(比眼看不见的还要多)/ Appearances can be deceiving.(外表是可以骗人的),所以我们凡事不应以貌取人.