初一英语、、快、、、按要求完成下列句子、、(1)Our school has a basketball game.(变为一般疑问句)(2)Tina's birthday is December thirty-first.(对December thirty-first提问)(3)The running star is twenty-two years old.(对twenty-two years old提问)(4)How old is your father?(写同义句)


(1)Our school has a basketball game.(变为一般疑问句)
(2)Tina's birthday is December thirty-first.(对December thirty-first提问)
(3)The running star is twenty-two years old.(对twenty-two years old提问)
(4)How old is your father?(写同义句)

do you sometimes do your homework at school?

Does your school have a basketball game?
When is Tina's birthday?
How old is the running star?
What is your father's age?

1.does our school have a basketball game?
2.when is tina's birthday?
3.how old is the running star?
4.what is your fathef's age?