几个中学英语语法问题 - -1、You are so kind to repair my bike.不定式短语做什么成分 形式上,逻辑上.you 是主语还是不定式是.2、The book is easy enough for to read.划分句子成分.most festival would celebrate the end of cold weather,planting in spring and harvest in autumn.planting和harvest 时态怎么不一样呢?我都要完全正确的答案 不要误人子弟哦 第二个 for you 我少打了 抱歉。那第一题you 作什么?问的就是enough后边的是什么成分~


几个中学英语语法问题 - -
1、You are so kind to repair my bike.不定式短语做什么成分 形式上,逻辑上.you 是主语还是不定式是.
2、The book is easy enough for to read.划分句子成分.
most festival would celebrate the end of cold weather,planting in spring and harvest in autumn.planting和harvest 时态怎么不一样呢?我都要完全正确的答案 不要误人子弟哦 第二个 for you 我少打了 抱歉。那第一题you 作什么?问的就是enough后边的是什么成分~

1. so + adj + to do 这个不定式是结果状语,you是句子的主语。
2. the book是主语 is easy enough to read是谓语成分(系表结构)。

第二个的语法有点乱~~ for to read 没有这个用法~~~两个介词~~用在这里不对~
the book是主语is是谓语easy是表语enough是修辞easy的~~~

1,You are so kind to repair my bike.不定式短语做什么成分 形式上,逻辑上.you 是主语还是不定式是.
it is hard to learn english.= to learn english is hard
而You are so kind to repair my bike.却无从转换
因此 you是主语
2、The book is easy enough for you to read.划分句子成分
for you 做的是 to read 的逻辑主语,可以看做是状语,也可以和to read 放一起做状语.
记住 主语+系+表 除了这几个成分“其他的都是状语.”
如:he is happy.主语+系+表
he is happy to go to school
he is happy to go to school with TOM
he is happy to go to school with TOM at 8:00
后面全是状语 除了he is happy.
3,most festival would celebrate the end of cold weather,planting in spring and harvest in autumn.planting和harvest 时态怎么不一样呢?
答:plant 本身是没有名词的,但是这个地方需要名次,所以就变成了动名词,就像前面的名次end 一样,而harvest本身是个名词,根本就不用加上ing.