新概念英语测试题一、用适当介词填空1、The fur coat is not( )fashion now.2、The boss is busy now.Can you wait( )two o'clock in the aftemoon?3、Have you seen the film"Murder on the orient Express"( )a B.B.C.Television programme?4、The examiner asked the students to write their names( )the top of paper.5、In many countries people can buy things( )installments.6、Please turn( )the light it's dark now.7、When the boy got( )the bus he found that two policemen were walking towards h


1、The fur coat is not( )fashion now.
2、The boss is busy now.Can you wait( )two o'clock in the aftemoon?
3、Have you seen the film"Murder on the orient Express"( )a B.B.C.Television programme?
4、The examiner asked the students to write their names( )the top of paper.
5、In many countries people can buy things( )installments.
6、Please turn( )the light it's dark now.
7、When the boy got( )the bus he found that two policemen were walking towards him in the street.
8、I took three books( )me when I came out of the library.
9、Last year Itravelled( ) a very large and beautiful ship to *.
10、Have you made( )your mind where to go during the summer vacation?
11、When I am( )work don't bother me.
12、When M iss Jones came( ).She found the doctors and nurses standing by her bed.
13、Mary went to open the door and looked out( )the garden.
14、This monkey belonged( )an old man who was fond of monkeys.
15、She spent two evenings( )playing chess.
16、I am looking forward( )your visit here.
17、He is sitting at the table covered( )flowers.
18、What's( )today's newspaper?
19、They ran wildly crying( )help where no help could be.
20、My little brother dreams( )becoming a seaman.
1、My mother making the bed.(对划线部分提问)
2、Let's go to the zoo.(改为please开头的祈使句)
3、My shoes are on the floor.(对划线部分提问)
4、Give a cup to me.(同义句转换)
5、The young man is a doctor.(对划线部分提问)
A:Give me some glasses Jane.
B:W( )glasses?
A:These glasses?
B:No not those.The( )on the shelf.
B:Yes please.
A:H( )you are.
B:T( ).
A:You're w( ).
A:Hello Selina!How early you are today!
B:Yes.I come to school( )every day.
A:What time do you get up( )weekdays?( )6:30?
B:No that's too( ).I get up at 6:00.
A:But I usually get up at 7:00.I live near my school.I can have lunch at home.Do you have lunch at home too?
B:No I usually have lunch( )( ).( )lunch I often playgames( )my friends.
A :That's good!What about Mary?
B:Ithink she( )lunch at home.Her home is near here.
A:Oh Mr.Green is coming.It's time to( )our English class.
B:Let's go in.

一、1.in2.until3.on4.on5.on6.on7.off8.with9.by10 up11.at12.to13.of14.to15.in16.to17.by18.in19.for20.of二划线部分到底是哪里.1.What is your mon doing?2.Please go to the zoo with me.3.Where are your shoe...