Everyone going to school has been in this situation什么时态啊?为什么going(现在进行时)和has been(不知道什么时态)能一起用啊 这个句子和 Everyone has gone to school 有什么区别


Everyone going to school has been in this situation什么时态啊?
going(现在进行时)和has been(不知道什么时态)能一起用啊
这个句子和 Everyone has gone to school 有什么区别

现在完成时啊,going to school 是主语.

going to school 是现在分词做后置定语,整句的谓语是has been 所以是现在完成时态

going to school是修饰everyone的.
这句话等于Everyone who goes to school has been in this situation.
你说的Everyone has gone to school是“每个人都去上学了”的意思.