Don't worry about him=(保持句意基本不变)Don't___ ___ about him.Lilly won't come tomorrow,I think.I____ think Lily _____ come tomorrow.优化练习寒假20天六年级英语(N版)天津科学技术出版社 The 10th Day 我要的是所有答案


Don't worry about him=(保持句意基本不变)
Don't___ ___ about him.
Lilly won't come tomorrow,I think.
I____ think Lily _____ come tomorrow.
优化练习寒假20天六年级英语(N版)天津科学技术出版社 The 10th Day 我要的是所有答案

Don't make care about him.
或者Don't be worried about him.
再者Don't think bad about him.
这句话很活,也很口语化 只要符合初意就行了.
Lilly won't come tomorrow,I think.
I don't think Lily will come tomorrow.

be worried
don't will

Don't be worried about him.
Lilly won't come tomorrow,I think.
I don't think Lily will come tomorrow.

be worried/don't will