找英语错误!和改成Let引导的祈使句!英语错误每题都均有一处!找英语错误:1What kind of animals can live under the water?I don't know.2Does Mike need pracitc on the morning?Yes,he does.3Can you brath now?Yes,I can.4西伯利亚怎么样?How about Siberia?西伯利亚的气候很冷.It has a cold weather.5你在餐厅吃的什么?What do you eat in the canteen?我连着吃了两天的面包.I eat bread in two days.6男孩们踢足球吗?Do boys play football?是的,每个男孩都喜欢踢足球.Yes,every boys likes it.7夏天总是下雨吗?Does it often rain in the summer?不,不是.No,it doesn't often.8Who ar


1What kind of animals can live under the water?I don't know.
2Does Mike need pracitc on the morning?Yes,he does.
3Can you brath now?Yes,I can.
4西伯利亚怎么样?How about Siberia?西伯利亚的气候很冷.It has a cold weather.
5你在餐厅吃的什么?What do you eat in the canteen?我连着吃了两天的面包.I eat bread in two days.
6男孩们踢足球吗?Do boys play football?是的,每个男孩都喜欢踢足球.Yes,every boys likes it.
7夏天总是下雨吗?Does it often rain in the summer?不,不是.No,it doesn't often.
8Who are those people in the picture?They are my family.Let me to introduce them to you.
9Can you go to hospital with your little sister?Of coure,I can.
10This is Mum's blorse,isn't it?No,it isn't her.
1My sister sends me one peach.
2I pass your bag to Lily.
3She put the pyjamas in the washing mathine.
I =英语大写 i

1.in the water
2.in the morning
4.has 改为 is
5.in 改为for
6.Yes,every boy likes it.
7.No,it doesn't often.去掉often
8.Let me to introduce them to you.第一个to 去掉
9.go to the hospital
10.No,it isn't her.去掉her,或改为hers
l.let my sister send me one peach.
2.let me pass your bag to Lily
3.Let her put the pyjamas in the washing mathine

7、the summer->summer
8、to introduce->introduce
9、to hospital->to the hospital
1、My sister let me send one peach.
2、I let Lily pass your bag.
3、She let the pyjamas be in the washing mathine.