英语翻译有两个朋友患难与共,形同亲兄弟.上帝不相信人间还有真正的友谊,於是就设计考验他们.有一天,这两位朋友在大沙漠中迷失了方向,面临死亡.这时,上帝出现了:“我的孩子,前面一棵树上有两个苹果,吃下大的那个,就能抗拒死亡,走出沙漠,小的那个,只能令你苟延残喘,最终还会极痛苦的死去.” 两个朋友向前走了一段路,果然发现了一棵树,也发现了树上的两个苹果.可是,他们谁也不会碰那个会给一个人带来生命之光的果子.夜深了,两个好朋友深情的凝望著对方,他们都相信,这是他们的最后一晚.当太阳从沙漠的一端再次升起的时候,其中一个朋友醒了过来,他发现,另一位朋友不在了,而树上只剩下一个干乾巴巴的小苹果.他失望了,不是因为死亡,而是因为朋友的背叛.他悲愤地吃下这个苹果,继续向前方走去.大约走了半个多小时,他看见了倒在地下的朋友,朋友已经停止呼吸了,可是他的手上紧紧握著一个更小的苹果.



There are two friends who share weal and woe together, and their relationship are like brothers. God does not believe that there is real friendship in the world and thus he set a test for them. One day, this two friends lost their way in a desert, and death is getting closer to them. At this moment, God appeared, saying,"My son, there are two apples on a tree up at the front, you can resist death and hang on til you exited the desert if you eat the bigger apple, the smaller one will take away your breath and die painfully in the end." The two friends walk for a distance and indeed, there is a tree and on the tree are two apples. However, none of them will touch the apple which give them the light of living. Deep in the night, the two friends look at each other with great emotions, they believed that this would be their last night. When the sun rises from one end of the desert, one of the friends woke up, he discovered his friend is gone and a dried small apple is left on the tree. He was disappointed, not because of death, but his friend's betrayal. He ate the apple feeling upset and continued walking. After walking for about half an hour, he saw his friend lying on the ground, his friend had stopped breathing and the apple he is holding tightly in his hand is a smaller one.

There are two friends sharing weal and woe, just like brothers. God does not believe that true friendship is there, so test them on the design. One day, these two friends lost in the desert in the direction of facing death. At this time, God appeared: "My child, there are two apples in front of a tree, eat a big, um, will be able to resist death, out of the desert, small, um, can only make you stay in the final will be a very a painful death. "
Two friends walked forward section of the road, it was found a tree, but also found the two apple trees. However, they no one would touch that will bring a fruit of the light of life.
Late at night, and two friends soulful eyes are staring at each other, they all believe that this is their last night.
When the sun has risen again from the one end of the desert, when one of the friend woke up he found another friend is gone, but the tree only a small dry dry apples. He was disappointed, and not because of death, but because the friend's betrayal. He bitterly eating the apple, and continue walking to the front. Approximately half an hour away, he saw a friend down in the ground, a friend had stopped breathing, but he firmly shook hands a smaller apple.

There are two friends who share weal and woe together,and their relationship are like brothers.God does not believe that there is real friendship in the world and thus he set a test for them.One day,this two friends lost their way in a desert,and death is getting closer to them.At this moment,God appeared,saying,"My son,there are two apples on a tree up at the front,you can resist death and hang on til you exited the desert if you eat the bigger apple,the smaller one will take away your breath and die painfully in the end." The two friends walk for a distance and indeed,there is a tree and on the tree are two apples.However,none of them will touch the apple which give them the light of living.Deep in the night,the two friends look at each other with great emotions,they believed that this would be their last night.When the sun rises from one end of the desert,one of the friends woke up,he discovered his friend is gone and a dried small apple is left on the tree.He was disappointed,not because of death,but his friend's betrayal.He ate the apple feeling upset and continued walking.After walking for about half an hour,he saw his friend lying on the ground,his friend had stopped breathing and the apple he is holding tightly in his hand is a smaller one.