一些句型转换 1.You needn't be afraid of that dog It's a toy.变祈使句( ) ( )afraid of that dog!It's a toy.2.She is (tall and has black hair).括号部分提问( )( )she look like?3.John had blond hair.同义句John ( ) ( ) ( ) blond hair.4.He left and kert the door open.同义句He left ( ) the door ( ).谢谢~


一些句型转换 1.You needn't be afraid of that dog It's a toy.变祈使句
( ) ( )afraid of that dog!It's a toy.
2.She is (tall and has black hair).括号部分提问
( )( )she look like?
3.John had blond hair.同义句
John ( ) ( ) ( ) blond hair.
4.He left and kert the door open.同义句
He left ( ) the door ( ).

1.Don't be
3.was born with
4/He left the door open.

1.Don't be afraid of that dog!It's a toy.
2 What does she look like?
3.John used to have blond hair.
4.He left with the door open.