都是些初中英语选择题 1.look both ways first_____crossing the road A.after B.whileC.beforeD.when2.the painter sold the picture____500 dollars because he thought it was worth the price. Aover Bfor Cabout Dto3.why are you in such a hurry? ---well,I have to show up in the meeting___8 o'clockA by B after Csince D until4 some people choose jobs for other reasons___money these days A except B besides C with D.like5.____your friends get badly theated,are you afraid of


都是些初中英语选择题 1.look both ways first_____crossing the road A.after B.whileC.beforeD.when
2.the painter sold the picture____500 dollars because he thought it was worth the price. Aover Bfor Cabout Dto
3.why are you in such a hurry? ---well,I have to show up in the meeting___8 o'clock
A by B after Csince D until
4 some people choose jobs for other reasons___money these days A except B besides C with D.like
5.____your friends get badly theated,are you afraid of inviting trouble? A,until B,when C.though D,unless
6.----how was the trip?----it was great! it is years____I enjoyed myself so much!
A,after Bbefore Csince D,when
7.I am going to the post office ----_____you're there ,can you bet me some stamps?
A,as B because Cwhile D if
8.you may use the room as you like ____you clean it up when you leave. A as long as Beven if C though Dbecause
9._____the problem of method(方法)is soveld,talking about it is no use. A until B unless C after D since
10.----what do you think of the football game?----wonderful!Ithink they can never be _____. A,best Bbetter Cworse D worst
11. ---I haven't been to the aquarium before. how about you? ----me,_____
A too B either C neither D ever
12---you must be tired out after the climbing.---oh,_____.Ifelt too tired to move.
13.after school we usually play _____basketball for half an hour on ___playground.
A the;the B不填;不填 C不填;the Dthe;不填
14.In older to make it clear,Imust go up to _____second flood and ask him _____second time. A,the;a B,a;the C the;the D /; a
15.you can have ____second try if you fail___first time A the;/ B /;a C the;a D a;the
16.____more you use a dictionary,______more useful it will be to you.Athe;the B the;/ C /;the D /;/
17.it's not ____good idea to drive for four hours without____break.
A a;the B a;/ Cthe;/ D the;a
18this coat isn't yours. whose_____it be? A can B may Cmust D will
19.the doctor was worried,because he wantedto operate,but he _____
A wouldn't be able to B isn't able to C wasn't able to D will't able to
20.---I don't care what people think,---well.you _____A,could B would C should D might
二 用适当的情态动词填空
1.Nobody is sure what_____happen in the future
2.you _____be tired after a day's hard.Go and have a rest .
3.you____be so certain about the matter. anything____take place
4.she _____think of it carefully before she makes the decision.
5._____it be true what he has gone abroad for a second time?
这些题是我做的河南省《新编中招快…英语》(2010)上的 不会的,抄了好长时间,这个百度的号是我刚注册的,只要20分,我都悬赏完了,希望有能力的人帮助我,尽量要有答案的解析.谢谢大家!谢谢!

1b经常说while doing2b sold sth for some money3a by +时间,表示在这个时间之前4b 除了为了钱,人们选工作还考虑其他因素要是a,意思就是,人们选工作不为钱,其他什么都为,肯定不合适5when,当你朋友受到不公平待遇时,...