then Once a Frenchman got to England.He knew only a little English.One day when he was sitting by the window of a restaurant and having lunch,he heard a voice,“Look out!” so he put his head out of the window to find out what was going on outside.Just then a basin of dirty water poured over his head.Then ___5___.He was very angry .He shouted,“Damn you (该死)!See what you have done.” The men passing by laughed at him and he got more angry.One of the men s


Once a Frenchman got to England.He knew only a little English.One day when he was sitting by the window of a restaurant and having lunch,he heard a voice,“Look out!” so he put his head out of the window to find out what was going on outside.Just then a basin of dirty water poured over his head.Then ___5___.He was very angry .He shouted,“Damn you (该死)!See what you have done.” The men passing by laughed at him and he got more angry.One of the men said,“you must be a foreigner."Look out‟ in English means "be careful."
5.A.other B.another C.the other D.others

这里是说,先有一盆水,然后又有另一盆,选 B another 是对的.
A.other 另外的
B.another 是另外一个.
C.the other
D.others 另外的多个