小学英语连词组句TV of the the and Spring eve very programmes were interesting Festival exciting(.)the learned a topic very about interesting students fantastic some animals (.)first they to is WestLake in the visit Hangzhou plan place the(.)Mother's Day Lisa her a beatiful made herself gift as by cake big mother gives(.)the father hat his Tom from is present wearing birthday is a(.)we Miss Liu classroom of the yesterday will the drew the wall on pictures put(


TV of the the and Spring eve very programmes were interesting Festival exciting(.)
the learned a topic very about interesting students fantastic some animals (.)
first they to is WestLake in the visit Hangzhou plan place the(.)
Mother's Day Lisa her a beatiful made herself gift as by cake big mother gives(.)
the father hat his Tom from is present wearing birthday is a(.)
we Miss Liu classroom of the yesterday will the drew the wall on pictures put(.)
to her celebrate to good her the birthday invite her party girl birthday in does want friends to twelth purple(?)
world famous learn parents LiYan's her take to the World Park will about to places the the in(.)