When my father was getting ready for work,our 21 was ruled by knocks and words.One 22 on the tablWhen my father was getting ready for work,our house was ruled by knocks and words.One knock on the table means "I'm ready for my breakfast" .Two knocks on the table _____ " I am ready for my tea.”.A.means B.showed C.indicated D.made请问空格内填什么?用means 是不是太简单了?


When my father was getting ready for work,our 21 was ruled by knocks and words.One 22 on the tabl
When my father was getting ready for work,our house was ruled by knocks and words.One knock on the table means "I'm ready for my breakfast" .Two knocks on the table _____ " I am ready for my tea.”
.A.means B.showed C.indicated D.made
请问空格内填什么?用means 是不是太简单了?

two knocks 复数A错, 前面用means一般现在时,而showed, indicated 一般过去时(show indicate(表明) 此时都只适用于主动语态)故 B、C错
所以答案是D make的被动用法



前面是means 后面用一样的

A. means
"Two knocks on the table " 主语
means 表示.的意思, 谓动
" I am ready for my tea.” 宾语