Long,long ago,as the birds flew over the world,they saw that men had a beautiful thing and it was a bright,burning (燃烧的)thing.Men cooked their food and kept themselves warm with it.The birds thought life would be better if they too could have this thing.So they decided to send a messenger to humans to ask for a little piece of it.They thought chicken was a good one to send because he was a good talker.So chicken went.He flew far over the forest until


Long,long ago,as the birds flew over the world,they saw that men had a beautiful thing and it was a bright,burning (燃烧的)thing.Men cooked their food and kept themselves warm with it.The birds thought life would be better if they too could have this thing.So they decided to send a messenger to humans to ask for a little piece of it.They thought chicken was a good one to send because he was a good talker.So chicken went.
He flew far over the forest until he came to the towns of men..He went into a town and saw the burning thing.He learned that it was called “ fire”.He didn’t ask for a piece of it to take back to the birds because there was so much food lying around men’s houses that he started eating and forgot what he had come for.
Men liked chicken because he crowed ( 啼叫 ) very early in the morning and woke them up.They let him run in and out of their houses.They threw him food.So chicken stayed with humans.He never went back to birds.He even forgot how to fly.
46.When the birds flew over the world,they saw ________.
A.a beautiful lake B.a burning thing C.a messenger D.a chicken
47.The birds thought that if they too could have this thing life would be ________.
A.better B.safer C.longer D.brighter
48.The birds decided to send a messenger to ask men ________.
A.to come to the birds B.what the burning thing was
C.for food D.for a little piece of burning thing
49.The birds sent chicken to humans because they thought he ________.
A.was good at talking B.knew men in the town very well
C.could crow well D.could fly far over the forest
50.From this story we know that the burning thing was ________.
A.the sun B.the forest C.fire D.the house

Long, long ago, as the birds flew over the world, they saw that men had a beautiful thing and it was a bright, burning (燃烧的)thing. Men cooked their food and kept themselves warm with it. The birds thought life would be better if they too could have this thing. So they decided to send a messenger to humans to ask for a little piece of it. They thought chicken was a good one to send because he was a good talker. So chicken went.

答案:B A D A C 这文章还是比较浅的一篇文章,自己可以试这着理解一下


46. B
47. A
48. D
9. A.
50. C

46. B. a burning thing
47. A. better
48. D. for a little piece of burning thing
49. A. was good at talking
50. C. fire