动物集结号(与动物有关的短语) 1 ride the high horse 耻高气扬 2 throw the bull 胡说八道3 a black sheep 害群之马4 turn geese into swans 言过其实5 rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨6 kill two birda with one stone 一箭双雕顺便问:对话排序( )she weighs 45 kilograms.( )how tall is she ( )thanks,miss Liu.( )she is 150 centimeters tall.( )Hi,Miss Liu.How much does Jans weigh?


动物集结号(与动物有关的短语) 1 ride the high horse 耻高气扬 2 throw the bull 胡说八道
3 a black sheep 害群之马
4 turn geese into swans 言过其实
5 rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨
6 kill two birda with one stone 一箭双雕
( )she weighs 45 kilograms.
( )how tall is she
( )thanks,miss Liu.
( )she is 150 centimeters tall.
( )Hi,Miss Liu.How much does Jans weigh?