一道英语单选:The reason __ he was late was ___ that his car had broken on the way.The reason ____ he was late was _____ that his car had broken on the way.A.why; because B.that; because C.that; for D.why; that重要:原题目中就有that的,那如果选D,为什么有两个that?


一道英语单选:The reason __ he was late was ___ that his car had broken on the way.
The reason ____ he was late was _____ that his car had broken on the way.
A.why; because B.that; because C.that; for D.why; that

首先这种题很少在中考高考里出现,因为从语法角度来讲,后面一空完全可以不填,如果填的话显得很罗嗦,也很绕口,高考是很少出现这么砖尖尖 的题的,

第一空是why,关系副词引导的定语从句;第二空是that 引导的表语从句,虽然that没意思,但不能去掉,如果像你说的,原题就有that的话,那就是印刷问题了,这题不可能选别的,整句话主干就是“原因是(车坏了)”,主系表结构,不缺任何连词介词了