Bob and Alice are fine 的fine怎么提问?1、Bob and Alice are fine(否定句,一般疑问句,fine的提问)2、My pen is red (于上面的括号中的一样)3、I can Tmo's teacher(否定句,一般疑问句)4、My daughter is seven(于1的括号一样)5、That is an orange pencil(于1一样)6、Her name is Alice(于1一样)


Bob and Alice are fine 的fine怎么提问?
1、Bob and Alice are fine(否定句,一般疑问句,fine的提问)
2、My pen is red (于上面的括号中的一样)
3、I can Tmo's teacher(否定句,一般疑问句)
4、My daughter is seven(于1的括号一样)
5、That is an orange pencil(于1一样)
6、Her name is Alice(于1一样)

1.Bob and Alice aren't fine.
Are Bob and Alice fine?
How about Bob and Alice?
2.My pen isn't red.
Is my pen red?
Whar colour is my pen?
4.My daughter isn't seven.
Is my daughter seven?
Hoe old is my daughter?
5.That isn't an orange pencil.
Is thiat an orange pencil?
What colour is that pencil?
6.Her name isn't Alice.
Is her name Alice?
What is her name?

1.用How提问。 How are Bob and Alice?
Bob and Alice aren’t fine 一般疑问句 Are Bob and Alice fine?
2.My pen isn’t red 一般 Is my pen red?
4.My daughter isn’t seven。 一般疑问句 Is my daughter seven?
特殊疑问句 How old is my daughter?
5.That isn’t an orange pencil 一般疑问句 Is that an orange pencil? 特殊疑问句 what colour is that pencil?
6.Her name isn’t Alice. 一般疑问句 is her name alice?
特殊疑问句what is her name? 肯定对的。

1 否定 Bob and Alice aren't fine 一般疑问句 Are Bob and Alice fine 提问 How are Bob and Alice 2 否定 My pen is not red 一般疑问句 Is My pen...