问一下几道题目的语法It is nearly nine now.He (hasn't come) yet.白痴的问一下有yetIt is nearly nine now.He (hasn't come) yet.白痴的问一下有yet了不是完成时了吗,为毛不是didn'nt?when Alice got home,her mother (was doing) some (sawing)第一个括号里的东东是因为现在完成时才这样的吗?求讲解.还有第二个括号,像shoping,它的原型不是shop吗?为什么这里要从sew变sawing呢?The policeman told the children (not to) play in the street.为什么这里是not to而不是do not?


问一下几道题目的语法It is nearly nine now.He (hasn't come) yet.白痴的问一下有yet
It is nearly nine now.He (hasn't come) yet.白痴的问一下有yet了不是完成时了吗,为毛不是didn'nt?
when Alice got home,her mother (was doing) some (sawing)第一个括号里的东东是因为现在完成时才这样的吗?求讲解.还有第二个括号,像shoping,它的原型不是shop吗?为什么这里要从sew变sawing呢?
The policeman told the children (not to) play in the street.为什么这里是not to而不是do not?

didn't come 和hasn't come 意思不一样hasn't come 是在当时说的,时间快要到了,他还没有来didn't come指比如说第二天谈到那件事时,说他昨天没有来根据题意用hasn't comewas doing 基本上可以说...