新概念英语2第12课用短语动词be或set来代替下列句子中斜体印出的句子,要有讲解用短语动词be或set来替代下列句子中动词部分1.He has not yet returned.He will return in ten minutes.2.A new play is being performed at the Globe Theatre.3.When the concert ended,we went home.4.They will leave very early tomorrow morning.5.You can't take the exam yet.You are not capable of it.6.He will be absent from home for two hours.7.She swam across the English Channel and created a new world record.


1.He has not yet returned.He will return in ten minutes.
2.A new play is being performed at the Globe Theatre.
3.When the concert ended,we went home.
4.They will leave very early tomorrow morning.
5.You can't take the exam yet.You are not capable of it.
6.He will be absent from home for two hours.
7.She swam across the English Channel and created a new world record.