对 shall i go to play 怎么回答(肯定,否定)--shall i go to play --_______.A you can't B if you like 我想问 如果是不允许,用什么回答?(你要确定你的说法是对的才回答哦


对 shall i go to play 怎么回答(肯定,否定)
--shall i go to play
A you can't
B if you like
我想问 如果是不允许,用什么回答?(你要确定你的说法是对的才回答哦

No you shouldn't

委婉回答:you'd better not
强硬回答:no, you can't

外国人拒绝别人不会强硬的说you can't
他们会找个理由来委婉的拒绝,比如:I am sorry,but we don't need so many people,maybe next time

you'd better not.

这句话一般会发生在子女与家长之间,如楼上回答,委婉回答:you'd better not或I'm sorry you have to finish your homework或I'm afraid not等
而强硬回答则是:no, you can't.做为家长是可以这么说的.
No you shouldn't一般则不用

B 好像是用no,you needn't

You had better not. 最好不要,委婉的说法。