( )1.I'm thirsty .Will you get me something ____ A .drink B.to drink C.eat D.to eat从口语上感觉应该选B,但是有什么可以说得通的道理吗?( )12.-Hi ,Kitty .Shall we go swimming this Sunday -This Sunday I'm sorry .I have a lot of homework ______ this Sunday .A.to do B.done C.do D.to be done 这道题和第一题是一个道理吗?


( )1.I'm thirsty .Will you get me something ____ A .drink B.to drink C.eat D.to eat
( )12.-Hi ,Kitty .Shall we go swimming this Sunday
-This Sunday I'm sorry .I have a lot of homework ______ this Sunday .
A.to do B.done C.do D.to be done