Where is he?—He ______ to the teacher’s office.And he ______ there for two hours填 has been to 还是 has gone to 为什么


Where is he?—He ______ to the teacher’s office.And he ______ there for two hours
填 has been to 还是 has gone to 为什么

第一个has gone to (已经去了)
第二个has been to

第一个是has gone to因为他去了还未回。第二空是has been to是表示持续

have gone to ,have be
第一空 have gone to 失去了某地人未回,have gone to 是去过某地人已回
第2空have been in sp. for +一段时间,又因为是there,省略in

Where is he? —He ___has gone to ___ to the teacher’s office. And he ___has been to ___ there for two hours
has gone to 是去了还没回来。。。has been to 是去了已经回来了或表一个状态