帮忙将下列的句子改成被动语态!1、people also speak English in Austraila2、You should keep your clothes clean and tidy 3、We must speak to older people politely4、A friend of mine gave me a ticket for football match5、When did they build the Great wall6、We often see the little girl read English 7、He will lend me a pen 8、Have you every heard of the man?


1、people also speak English in Austraila
2、You should keep your clothes clean and tidy
3、We must speak to older people politely
4、A friend of mine gave me a ticket for football match
5、When did they build the Great wall
6、We often see the little girl read English
7、He will lend me a pen
8、Have you every heard of the man?

1,English is also spoken by people in Austialia2,Your clothes should be kept clean and tidy.3,Older people must be spoken to politely4,A ticket for football match is given me by a friend of mine.5,Whe...