用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空.Can she _____ (draw) the picture well?Joy ____ (make) the bed nowIt's 8:00.My fathe ____ (read) a book.Listen!Lily ____ (sing) a song.Let your kite ______ (fly) high.What _____ (be) your father _____ (do) now?


用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空.Can she _____ (draw) the picture well?Joy ____ (make) the bed now
It's 8:00.My fathe ____ (read) a book.
Listen!Lily ____ (sing) a song.
Let your kite ______ (fly) high.
What _____ (be) your father _____ (do) now?

It's 8:00.My father0 __is reading__ (read) a book.Listen!Lily __is singing__ (sing) a song.Let your kite _ fly___ (fly) high.一般现在时就是动词的原型,let后面加动词原型.What ___is__ (be) your father __...