1.They often play tennis after school --------------- 对划线部分进行提问—— ——they often do after school?2.___ ____Mrs Black _____for vacation?3._____ _____he _____dogs?4.Why don't you visit the zoo with us?(改为同义句)_____ _____ _____to visit the zoo with us?


1.They often play tennis after school --------------- 对划线部分进行提问
—— ——they often do after school?
2.___ ____Mrs Black _____for vacation?
3._____ _____he _____dogs?
4.Why don't you visit the zoo with us?(改为同义句)
_____ _____ _____to visit the zoo with us?

只会第一和第二个问题:1.What`s are they often do after school? 4.What`s the reason to visit the zoo with us?

—What do ——they often do after school?
2.What___ ___does_Mrs Black do_____for vacation?
3.__Does___ _____he __like___dogs?
4.Why don't you visit the zoo with us?(改为同义句)
__Would___ __you___ __like___to visit the zoo with us?

对划线部分提问,换种说法也就是改为特殊疑问句:1、What do they often do after school?2、What will Mrs Black do for vacation?3、How does he like dogs 4、改为同义句:Why not go to visit the zoo with us?wh...

What do
When will, arrive
Why don't, like
Do you want