He says he has drink his milk.这句是什么时态?新概念一,第102课,课后练习:书中给出的例句:He is drinking his milk.改成间接引语后:He says he has drink his milk.这个间接引语我会改,我不懂的是这句中的has drink his milk中的has是什么作用,这句中我也知道has是have的第三人称单数形式,那如果换成其他人称如第三人称复数,they say they have drink their milk.这里have drink是什么意思,drink本身都是喝了,为什么还有个have.原句中到底has是干什么的.以下是给出的题:1、she is shutting the door.改后:she says she has shut the door.2、he is putting on his coat.改后:he says he has put on his coat.3、he is reading thi


He says he has drink his milk.这句是什么时态?
书中给出的例句:He is drinking his milk.
改成间接引语后:He says he has drink his milk.
这个间接引语我会改,我不懂的是这句中的has drink his milk中的has是什么作用,这句中我也知道has是have的第三人称单数形式,那如果换成其他人称如第三人称复数,they say they have drink their milk.这里have drink是什么意思,drink本身都是喝了,为什么还有个have.原句中到底has是干什么的.
1、she is shutting the door.
改后:she says she has shut the door.
2、he is putting on his coat.
改后:he says he has put on his coat.
3、he is reading this magazine.
改后:he says he has read this magazine.
4、they are speaking to the boss.
改后:they say they have spoken to the boss.
5、the sun is rising.
改后:they say the sun has risen.


应该是主句是一般现在时态,从句的间接引语是现在完成时态,表示已经做过什么什么事情了,还有你给的列子应该是打错了,应该是He says he has drunk his milk.翻译成他说他已经喝过牛奶了.在100多课有这个时态的详细讲解.