六年级英语作文(题目)【The Cat and the Mouse】一只猫正在睡觉,突然,一只老鼠过来吃猫的食物,突然猫醒来了,发现老鼠吃完它的食物,就大发雷霆,去追它~老鼠跑到门上,猫怎么也捉不到老鼠,突然,老鼠跳到椅子下,猫去抓它,但怎么样也抓不到.后来,老鼠迅速回到鼠窝.这时候,老鼠得意死了,猫生气死了~帮我翻成中文,还要改一下漏洞~谢谢啦!


六年级英语作文(题目)【The Cat and the Mouse】


A cat was sleeping, suddenly, a mouse over Chimao food, the cat suddenly woke up and found that rats eating its food, the angry, catch it ~ rat ran door, how the cat is also why it could not mice, suddenly, the rats jump to a chair, the cat grab it, but also grasp how kind. Later, the rats quickly returned to mouse nest. At this time, rats complacency dead, angry cat died ~

A cat is sleeping,suddenly,a mouse comes over eats cat food,suddenly the cat woke up and found that mice ate the food,it is furious to chase it mouse ran to the door,the cat catch no mice can suddenly,mouse jump chair,the cat to catch it,but how also catch.Later,rat rat quickly return to nest.At that time,rats,cats,angry dead died proudly.