假如你是刘俊,因患重感冒今天不能上学.请参考下面所给的词语,给你的外籍英语教师Mr.Smith 写一张请假条词数在60个以上.参考词汇:not feel well,a bad cold,stay in bed,can't go to school,for a day,get well soon_______,I ’m sorry to tell you that________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thank you


假如你是刘俊,因患重感冒今天不能上学.请参考下面所给的词语,给你的外籍英语教师Mr.Smith 写一张请假条
参考词汇:not feel well,a bad cold,stay in bed,can't go to school,for a day,get well soon
I ’m sorry to tell you that________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thank you!

Dear Mr. Smith,
I'm sorry to tell you that I did not feel well this morning. The doctor said I should stay in bed all day long, so I can't go to school today. I want to ask for a day off, but I will get well soon.
Thank you!


Dear Mr.Smith,I'm sorry to tell you that I did not feel well this morning.The doctor said I should stay in bed all day long,so I can't go to school today.I want to ask for a day off,but I will get wel...